Wednesday, 5 March 2014

RPi add-on board with CC2520 and LCD interface.

I would like to describe my new project: Raspberry Pi add-on board with radio transceiver CC2520 and st7565 LCD interface.

I connected two devices to one SPI which is available on the main RPi connector.
The radio circuit based on lab11 project:
but I have used bigger resistors and caps. I add a circuit to LCD with st7565 driver which requers only 9 caps.

I have already tested SPI communication with cc2520. There is well-designed cc2520 character driver on lab11 repository but I decided not use it because it is solution for 6lowpan and I want to use cc2520 radio itself.

Now I aim to implement my own character driver for cc2520 that could be easily plug into another program code.

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